About Us

Information on ADSS
ADSS organizes regular meetings, lectures and symposiums to enhance the awareness of Aesthetic Dentistry in Singapore. And we would be more than happy to answer any of your queries. We trust that you will find the following information useful and informative. Please enjoy your visit!
Mission Statement
The ADSS (Aesthetic Dentistry Society, Singapore) is a group of like-minded dentists who seek to promote the understanding, practice and appreciation of procedures and materials that can be used to improve the appearance of their patients.
Objectives of ADSS
To provide and facilitate continual dental education programs to the public and dentists about the practice and procedures of aesthetic dentistry
To keep up with the latest advances in aesthetic dentistry
To be a professional and ethical society that encourages continual education, exchange programs, mentorship and collaborations with other dentists and societies
To provide a means of communication between ADSS, its members and the public
To promote the welfare of its members and organize activities to build camaraderie among members
The logo consists of two rounded triangles overlapping each other, illustrating interaction and connection between the stakeholders below:
Society Members
ADSS ad other societies
Aesthetic dentists and their patients
The font choice symbolizes collaboration and network.
The triangles also form a subtle shape of a tooth.
The peach colour signifies natural beauty, biology, human tissues. Grey signifies the science of materials, laboratory and clinical skills.